

Uki is a kids show for kids from 1 to 4 years. Uki is a cute yellow little creature, who invites his young watchers to discover the world with him. Uki lives in a safe environment and sleeps in a sunflower, the nature is his playground. Trough each adventure Uki lives a new adventure with one of his friends Hedgehog, Bunny, Duck, Flowers and under the protective eye of Sun and Cloud.

I started to work on this project during my animation studies in London as my final project. Topfloor came to me with a drawing of a really cute little character with a flower. I was in love with the character straight away.  As the project worked out really well I could start developing this concept working full time for Topfloor. In september 2007 I pitched this series at Cartoon Forum in Spain. The pitch was a succes and the people of CBeebies told me personally that they loved it. It took some time before it was launched on TV in 2010. Uki also won a Pitch contest of Kid Screen"Pitch it!" in New York and was nominated for best Pre-school series in 2011. I worked as director assistant, concept artist, animator, modeler and wrote a few stories for this series. I am really proud that most of the concept was created by me!